CtrlSoftware products and downloads
CtrlChanges (for InDesign/InCopy)

CtrlChanges is a plugin for Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy users that require a clear and accurate solution to a common problem, to visually be able to see what has been changed in an InDesign document.
What’s new?
With CtrlChanges you’ll always have the answer. In situations where more than one user is working with an InDesign document it is crucial to know what has been changed. With CtrlChanges you won’t need to spend valuable time trying to find where (and if) revisions have taken place. CtrlChanges tracks all text changes in a document as it is being revised and displays added or deleted text in the Layout view.
CtrlChanges is available for both Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy. If you are looking for a smart and “easy to use” solution, CtrlChanges will give you and your workgroup new exciting possibilities.
Key Features:
- Keep track of all text changes in a document
- Display added text in Layout view
- Display removed text in Layout view
- Keep track of who made which changes
- Keep track of when changes were made
- Print changes
- Include changes in PDFs
- Filter on user, layer or date (time frame)
- Localized language support: Swedish, English, German, Frensch, Japanese and Italian
Download trial/product
For older versions contact support (at) ctrlsoftware.com.
Trial versions are fully functional. Entering a serial makes the trial a full version.
CtrlLayers (for InDesign)
CtrlLayers is a plugin for InDesign users that require a smart and clever solution for expanding usability when working with layers. Art Directors and Graphic Designers can at an early stage of a project, for example, share a layer to a new document and allow translators to start their work. Later they can import the layer without worrying about how it will be applied to the layout.
Just like InDesign users are used to importing color swatches, CtrlLayers offers the same ability with layers from other InDesign documents. So, if you are looking for a smart and “easy to use” solution, CtrlLayers will give you new exciting possibilities.
Key Features:
- Create new InDesign documents from visible layers
- Import layer(s) from InDesign documents
- Export layers from documents
- Scripting support for Java, VB and Apple Script
- Localized languages supported: Swedish, English, German, French and Italian
Download trial/product
For older versions contact support (at) ctrlsoftware.com.
Trial versions are fully functional. Entering a serial makes the trial a full version.

CtrlCrossTalk (for InCopy)

Have you tried to use Adobe InCopy and found the assignments and check in/check out process difficult, challenging and confusing? CtrlCrossTalk for Adobe InCopy offers a smarter and simpler approach. The CtrlCrossTalk plugin for Adobe InCopy enables you to use InCopy the way many users expect it to work; open the InDesign file, convert to CrossTalk, edit any text, save and close…the way it ought to be.
CrossTalk enables workgroups of copywriters, art directors and others involved, to work on the same document but keeps their access limited to their needs. The copywriter works with the text in Adobe InCopy, a professional writing and editing application, while the art director uses Adobe InDesign with full control of the document and its assets.
CtrlCrossTalk with Adobe InCopy makes editing texts in InDesign documents easy. Just open the InDesign file and edit the text and then save your work, just as you would when using other applications such as Microsoft Word. No check-in and check-out. This makes CrossTalk a tool that increases your productivity when working in small workgroups such as advertising agencies or in-house production.
Key Features (InCopy with CtrlCrossTalk):
- Text Manipulation (WYSIWYG or script based)
- Track Changes (ID and time stamp)
- Post-it Notes (ID and time stamp)
- Spell-check (Dynamic Dictionary)
- The ability to generate PDFs without any peripheral software
Download trial/product
For older versions contact support (at) ctrlsoftware.com.
Trial versions are fully functional. Entering a serial makes the trial a full version.
CtrlCrossTalkID (for InDesign)
The CtrlCrossTalkID Plugin enables InDesign users to manage our popular CrossTalk workflow. CtrlCrossTalkID makes the collaboration between InDesign and InCopy users transparent. In addition it refines the initial InCopy workflow to better suit the needs of publishers, agencies, inhouse production and other collaborative workgroups.
Art directors and copywriters can work on the same document, the copywriter works in Adobe InCopy, a specialized text editor, while the art director works in Adobe InDesign with full control over the document and its layout.
With CtrlCrossTalkID, InDesign users can manage stories in a document by locking them to prevent an InCopy user from further modifying approved texts, while still allowing them access to other texts in the same file. CtrlCrossTalkID even allows the InDesign user to completely disable the CrossTalk workflow so that an InCopy user can no longer edit a document when it has reached its final stage.
Key Features (InDesign with CrossTalkID):
- Enable the CrossTalk workflow
- Lock stories on pages
- Lock stories on masterpage(s)
- Localized languages supported: Swedish, English, German and Italian
Download trial/product
* For CC2021 16.3 or higher, inkl Apple M1 Macs. For 16.0-16.2 use this link
** for CC2020 use Anastasiy’s Extension Manager to install, you can download Anastasiy’s Extension Manager here
For older versions contact support (at) ctrlsoftware.com.
Trial versions are fully functional. Entering a serial makes the trial a full version.

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